Fast Travel In Mafia 3

There is no fast travel, and that is probably the biggest problem with the game. Much as I love the driving in this game - it's boring driving back and forth with nothing meaningful happening. The period crime drama series Mafia returns for its third installment, this time set in the 1960s in the city of New Bordeaux, a fictional recreation of New. Mafia 3 - Custom 358 Trophy / Achievement Guide (Drive 120 mph for 20 seconds). Fast Travel In Mafia 3 Release This is a fairly lazy critique imo. Not really just in the literal sense.I can know that sometimes people really have got a really busy life-style and they want to reduce down on period consuming duties in-game, and just jump between the great bits. Mafia 3 does not have fast travel options. As much as I enjoy driving around, it soon became a bore when I have to drive from one end to another just to complete simple tasks. The 3 underbosses do offer perks to help alleviate the pain though.

Mafia 3 has been around for a while now. Most people have played the DLC content, enjoyed all the boss killings, seen the possible endings and are now rearing to try something new. Since Mafia 3 isn’t really multiplayer, I believe it is time to bring out the tricks and the hacks to add some depth to the PC or PlayStation game.

In this compilation of Mafia III cheats, tricks and hacks, we are going to explore a variety of unlimited ammo, infinite health, money faster cars, better weapons, upgrades, collectibles and so much more. The good news is most of the tricks are native to the game hence you have nothing to fear about. The Cheat Engine cheats and Mafia 3 Scripthook cheats are the most interesting so far.

Mafia 3 Underboss Perks

Before delving into the cheats, you can first leverage the perks that come with awarding power to each of your three underbosses. Toy around with the underbosses depending on how you play the game and what powers you want to progress. (The money indicates the business cash flow you let the underboss handle)

Cassandra Mafia 3 Favors

  • When you meet her: Mobile arms dealer, Buy weapons from Jackie D on demand.
  • $30000: Screanubg Zemi, throwable distraction
  • $60000: Gunsmith, improved accuracy
  • $100000: Operator, shut down area phones for five minutes
  • $140000: Gunsmith, improved ammo capacity
  • $180000: Screaming Zemi, the smoke bomb
  • $220000: Gunsmith, reduced recoil
  • $270000: Operator, shut down area phones for 10 minutes
  • $320000: Screaming Zemi, exploding distraction
  • $370000: Gunsmith, faster reloading
  • $420000: Operator, kill phones and call for backup

Vito Underboss Powers

  • Upon meeting Vito: Consigliore, deposit your cash without visiting bank
  • $30000: Hit Squad, call armed backup to your location
  • $60000: Mob Doc, add an extra health segment
  • $100000: Mob Doc, add an extra adrenaline storage slot
  • $140000: Consigliere, collect kickback and reveal enemy locations
  • $180000: Mob Doc, faster health recovery
  • $220000: Enforcer Squad, call in heavy duty backup squad
  • $270000: Mob Doc, add an extra health bar
  • $320000: Mob Doc, restore full health with adrenaline squad
  • $370000: High Impact Squad, elite 4-man hit squad
  • $420000: Mob Doc, reach maximum number of health bars

Burke Underboss Favors

  • Upon meeting: Vehicle Delivery, allowing you to call in a car
  • $30000: Clear Blue Zone, cops ignore crimes for 30 seconds
  • $60000: Cops Nearby, shows nearby cops on radar
  • $100000: Explosives Supply, purchase explosives from arms dealers
  • $140000: Clear Blue Zone, cops ignore crimes for 2 minutes
  • $180000: Covert Car Theft, steal cars in peace
  • $220000: Clear All Zones, cops ignore all crimes for 2 minutes
  • $270000: Additional Explosives, carry more explosives
  • $320000: Clear All Zones, cops ignore crimes for 5 minutes
  • $370000: Occupied Car Theft, discreetly steal occupied cars

Infinite Ammo Cheat

The infinite ammo cheat comes to play once you meet Cassandra in the game. She will let you contact the arms dealer to your location whenever you want. Equip a weapon and then switch back to a weapon with low ammo to get a free ammo refill. Repeat this as much as you want. This glitch happens on the unpatched version of the game.

Earning Unlimited Money

Collecting money from rackets through your bosses is the basic source of income. There is a limit to the amount they can hold onto and will stop gathering money if you don’t collect it from them. Keep on visiting your underbosses to collect money and keep the money trickling in. Once you hit $140,000, you can hire someone to collect your racket money leaving you free to Steal Dead Drops or Follow Bagmen to earn more money.

How to Avoid Losing Money in Mafia 3

Visit your safe to manually store your money before going on a mission to avoid losing it when you die. You can also call in your Concierge to handle the deposits after meeting Vito and unlocking this perk. Once you unlock this perk, you will no longer worry about funds as your earning and banking process will be automated.

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Mafia 3 Infinite Health Cheat With Cheat Engine

Cheat Engine is a great way to cheat in a wide variety of games. The cheat engine tables not only make cheating easier but also let you toy around with the game and find your cheats that will give you more and more capabilities. You can check out my guide on how to download and install Cheat Engine before using the video guide below to help you use Cheat Engine in Mafia 3.

Mafia 3 Lua & Scripthook Cheats and Hacks (For PC)

Most of the Mafia III cheats are in the form of script hacks written in Lua and the Scripthook language. These scripts let you run your own code within the game hence letting you control different aspects of the game. You can download the scripts from Mafia 3 mods center or toy around with the ExampleDLL to create your own script that uses patch function calls and jumps to overwriting existing code.

The Mafia 3 Script Hook can be found over at To use your Lua scripts when in the game, press F1 and you will reload all your scripts.

Installing and Using the Script Hook

Download and extract the zipped folder from the github link above into your Mafia III folder and run the M3ScriptHookLauncher.exe after launching your game.


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  1. Drag the file called “Invisible Lincoln” found in the mod’s .zip file to “D:Program Files (x86)Steam/steamapps/common/Mafia III/scripts (If you’re running a non-Steam version, drag it to your “Mafia III/scripts” folder, wherever it may be)
  2. Launch Mafia III and get in-game
  3. Press “Alt+Tab” to minimize the game
  4. Run “M3ScriptHookLauncher”
  5. Return to the Mafia III window (Alt+Enter to make game fullscreen)
  6. Resume the game
  7. Press “F1” on the keyboard to activate the script

Scripthook Troubleshooting:

Can You Fast Travel In Mafia 3

  • If you don’t have a “scripts” folder then you don’t have Scripthook installed
  • Scripthook will keep crashing since it is NOT compatible with the newest Mafia III update, but don’t worry their is a fix
  • To make scripthook work: Right-click>properties>compatibility on “launcher.exe”, “M3ScriptHookLauncher.exe” , “mafia3.exe” and set compatibility mode for Windows 7 + run it as administrator (you can “change settings for all users” just in case)
  • Mafia III not launching? Go launch the steam app then go to your Mafia III directory & click on “mafia3” to run the game
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Once you have launched the script hook launcher, be careful when spamming function keys as this could crash your game.

There are over 40 Mafia 3 mods that will either use Script Hook or Lua Injector. Here are the top 5 cheats and mods I believe you must have in the game.

All scripts in the Scripts folder are activated by pressing F1. Be careful to only keep the scripts you need to avoid lagging your game. Tavannes watch company serial numbers.


Just place this in your mafiaIII/scripts folder and press F1 to refresh the scripts, it’ll add 9999 each time


A simple Lua script which enables the player to be invulnerable from any type of damage. This is also the first released Lua script for Mafia 3!
Drag the Lua script into the “scripts” folder. Make sure you have the Mafia 3 Scripthook installed first.



Lua mod that enables unlimited ammo. When you reload you will be given more ammo.
Place in Mafia III/scripts folder.



This mod will make Lincoln invisible and is great when you are sneaking around. Download and place in your scripts folder



Want’ some extra speed to get that edge over the cops or whoever you are chasing? This is the right mode for the job. Press N while in the game to activate. Open Lua to choose a boost value.



All the cars in Mafia III are auto. You can get some more joy by making them run on manual with this script

Default keys are:

“Numpad Add (+)” – Starts Manual Transmission

“Numpad Subtract (-)” – Disables Manual Transmission


“Numpad decimal (.)” – Neutral

“Numpad 0” – Reverse

“Numpad 1” – 1st Gear

“Numpad 2” – 2nd Gear

“Numpad 3” – 3rd Gear Article sizing tool pnas.

“Numpad 4” – 4th Gear

Simply edit the .lua with a text editor and change the keys to your fitting.


You can check out the rest of the mods over at Mafia Mods. You have to register with them before downloading any mods.

The Mafia series has seen multiple hiatuses between games, with eight years between the first two and six between the second and third. It has now been four years since the third entry, but 2K Games is set to remake the first game as part of a new release known as Mafia Trilogy. While that version is not out for a few more months, they recently released the remastered Mafia II along with including the already existing Mafia III that is now known in the collection as Mafia III: Definitive Edition.

When Mafia III was originally released, there was certainly some controversy about the change in setting. While the prior two games had the traditional Italian mafia akin to Scarface and The Sopranos, Mafia III was taking a different route by having an African American protagonist that is not part of the traditional mob seen in the first few games. Instead, Lincoln Clay is a soldier that has just returned back to the fictional New Bordeaux that is based on New Orleans from Vietnam and agrees to help some family and friends with the Haitian mob that have come knocking. Soon after he tries to work out a debt to the Italian mafia that his surrogate father has accrued. This ends up going very poorly and leaves Lincoln wanting revenge against mob boss Sal Marcano and his mafia family. This leads Lincoln to having to gather a unique crew of different partners to help take them down, which is the central focus for most of the game.

The story is largely carried by the incredibly captivating Lincoln Clay and the other characters around him, with a solid story surrounding them. Mafia III: Definitive Edition was not afraid to tackle much more intense and dark themes than in the past, which still holds up well now four years later from the original release. While it is definitely a different style than the first couple games, the story is very much worth experiencing here and may be the best of the trilogy in that area.

Where Mafia III suffers most though is the very unoriginal game structure as you play through Lincoln’s story in a once again large sandbox open world experience. The original city of New Bordeaux this time around is larger than both of the first two games combined, but that kind of is a hindrance in some ways as you’re consistently having to drive across the map for new missions. New Bordeaux itself is split up into nine different districts across nine chapters, each of which have a story mission that is split up for you to complete. The repetitive nature of these missions though is where the game really struggles.

Within each district, you have to take over both of the rackets that are found in that location. Once you have successfully done this, a third mission within the chapter will open where you have to take out the person in charge of that district. There is a little more to do in the later chapters, but the biggest problem is that the structure is especially tedious and will have you growing tired of everything in no time. This feels like a course correction from the emptier world found in the previous games, though they may have gone a bit too far in the other direction.

On the plus side, Mafia III does introduce side missions this time around, a major flaw of the previous game. While not available right away, you’ll eventually get access to side missions that branch off from the main story. These include things such as helping out the underbosses by completing tasks for them to gain favor. While they aren’t that most involved overall, they are better than having nothing extra to do like in Mafia II.

The gameplay itself is really nothing to write home about either, albeit a little more refined here. One of the somewhat frustrating elements of the previous game was that you had to press A to leave cover every time, but now you can move much more freely when trying to move between cover or be stealthy. You have the option to adjust aim assist to the level you prefer, which can make the game a bit too easy. There are plenty of guns to choose from here though, with the ability to set them to a wheel and choose between them.

Compared to its predecessors, Mafia III has a major edge in the visuals department. The recent Mafia II: Definitive Edition was definitely more polished visually, but there is still no real comparison between it and Mafia III. Mafia III: Definitive Edition looks great all around, with the character models and environments looking much more realistic. The performance on Xbox One was pretty solid most of the time, with some slowdown here and there when too much was happening on screen. Thankfully, the character movement in general felt much more natural than in the prior games.

While Mafia III: Definitive Edition is literally supposed to be the same game with a new name and all DLC included, somehow Hangar 13 completely messed up one aspect of this game in the included update. Mafia III was given Xbox One X and PS4 Pro support after the release of the game, which added HDR and 4K support to the game to make it look even better. In what is a baffling mistake, somehow this latest update has completely removed this support, now giving you no way to use 4K on consoles. This is something that absolutely has to be patched in, but there is no way it should have ever happened in the first place, especially when this was a free “upgrade” for those that already owned the game.

Mafia as a series has always had a great soundtrack to match the time period, but Mafia III takes this to another level entirely. With the game being set in the late ’60s, the music was ripe for the picking from the era and Hangar 13 did not disappoint. These include songs from artists such as The Rolling Stones, Creedence Clearwater Revival, and Johnny Cash, as the game offers over 100 different songs in total. The stellar soundtrack will constantly have you taking longer routes in your vehicle just to finish an entire song, which at least somewhat helps the fact that the game lacks fast travel.

Mafia III: Definitive Edition somehow managed to improve in one way by including all of the prior DLC, while also taking multiple steps backwards by somehow removing support for Xbox One X, even as a mistake. The story of Lincoln Clay is still enthralling and handles some very dark themes quite well, but the lifeless open world structure found in Mafia III: Definitive Edition really hinders what could have been the best game in the trilogy.

The Verdict

While not anywhere near as glitch ridden as the Mafia II remaster, Mafia III: Definitive Edition adds nothing more than the previously released DLC along with the very strange removal of Xbox One X support that was added to the original release after launch. Lincoln Clay’s story is still well worth experiencing a first time, but there is no real reason to venture back to New Bordeaux with this latest release as part of the Mafia Trilogy.

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Mafia III: Definitive Edition

  • Available On: Xbox One, PS4, PC
  • Published By: 2K Games
  • Developed By: Hangar 13
  • Genre: Action-adventure
  • US Release Date: May 19, 2020
  • Reviewed On: Xbox One
  • Quote: 'While not anywhere near as glitch ridden as the Mafia II remaster, Mafia III: Definitive Edition adds nothing more than the previously released DLC along with the very strange removal of Xbox One X support that was added to the original release after launch. Lincoln Clay's story is well worth experiencing a first time, but there is no real reason to venture back to New Bordeaux with this latest release as part of the Mafia Trilogy.'

Fast Travel In Mafia 3

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